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Writer's pictureTrash Club Brooklyn

We've Adopted A Spot

Updated: Jun 23

On June 10th, we joined The Sanitation Foundation's Adopt Your Spot NYC Program.

We've selected our spot and we've pledged to maintain it whenever possible by keeping it free from litter over the course of one year.

Trash Club is now the devoted guardian of Franklin Street between Milton St. and Noble St.

This strip of Franklin Street is home to five trees with tree beds, Word Bookstore, 122 Snack Box, Brooklyn Safehouse, Homecoming, and Duke's Liquor Box, some of the best businesses of their kind in the city.

Our inaugural cleanup and beautification event is scheduled for Saturday, July 13th.

Activities will involve clearing trash from the sidewalk, curb, and tree beds, weeding the tree beds, planting flowers, and spreading mulch.

To prevent the city trash bins from overflowing, we will place recycling bins in selected tree beds.

Additionally, we will re-paint the bench surrounding the tree bed located in front of Word Bookstore!

Mindy, the manager at Word, suggested that participants paint their favorite book quotes on the bench. We love her idea and can't wait to proceed with it!

The Bench


Starting next Monday, I plan to connect with more business owners on the block with the hopes of building beautiful, waste-reducing relationships.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone with and I hope they share my enthusiasm for discovering ways to do business in more earth-friendly ways.

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